

Alaska Data Integration working group


A feature in mdEditor settings that allows information to be automatically saved as it is entered. Consult the Settings section of this manual for more information.


The ability afforded by open-source code to edit the code of an application (in this case mdEditor) according to the needs of the users.


Federal Geographic Data Committee


Federal Geographic Data Committee’s Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata - FGDC-STD-001-1998 Includes Biological Data Profile


HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. HTML is the ‘human-readable’ and printable report of the metadata content


International Organization for Standardization - ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 162 national standards bodies.

Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

ISO 19110

International Standards Organization Geographic Information - Feature Catalogue 19110:2005

ISO 19110 defines the methodology for cataloguing feature types. It may be used as a basis for defining the universe of discourse being modelled in a particular application, or to standardize general aspects of real world features being modelled in more than one application. (International Organization for Standardization (2016). ISO 19110:2016. Retrieved from:

ISO 19115-1

Defines the schema required for describing geographic information and services by means of metadata. It provides information about the identification, the extent, the quality, the spatial and temporal aspects, the content, the spatial reference, the portrayal, distribution, and other properties of digital geographic data and services. (International Organization for Standardization (2014). ISO 19115-1:2014. Retrieved from:

ISO 19115-2

International Standards Organization Geographic Information - Metadata 19115-2:2009

Extends the existing geographic metadata standard by defining the schema required for describing imagery and gridded data. It provides information about the properties of the measuring equipment used to acquire the data, the geometry of the measuring process employed by the equipment, and the production process used to digitize the raw data. This extension deals with metadata needed to describe the derivation of geographic information from raw data, including the properties of the measuring system, and the numerical methods and computational procedures used in the derivation. The metadata required to address coverage data in general is addressed sufficiently in the general part of ISO 19115. (International Organization for Standardization (2009). ISO 19115-2:2009. Retrieved from:


Javascript Object Notation, a general purpose format like CSV.


Words used in an information retrieval system to indicate the content of a document.

localStorage Cache

localStorage Cache allows an application to store data locally, in a user’s browser. Storing information on the browser’s local storage cache (instead of a normal file cache) means that if you use a different browser to access the mdEditor, it will not show the data you’ve imported from your first browser. It also means that if you clear your browser’s cache, it will generally not clear your mdEditor records. However, depending upon your browser settings (E.g., in Chrome, if the “cookies and other site data” option is checked), clearing your browser cache may still clear your mdEditor data.


Web application for authoring and editing metadata, for both projects and datasets.

mdEditor File

A mdJSON file created by mdEditor that contains all of the information contained in mdJSON, along with mdEditor settings. This can be exported and shared with collaborators, imported into another record set, or saved to a local workstation as a backup or archival copy.


ADIwg standard for encoding project and data metadata, based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

mdJSON File

An mdJSON file that is proprietary to the Metadata toolkit developed by the Alaska Data Integration Working Group (ADIWG), learn more at [].


Open-source Ruby software application for translating between metadata standards. Metadata is input in one of the supported ‘reader’ formats and output in one of the supported ‘writer’ formats. Available as Ruby gem or Command-Line-Interface.


Metadata is a set of data that describes and gives information about other data.

Metadata Repositories

A server where metadata is published to.


Identifier for a folder on a database where records will be stored upon publishing.


U.S. Geological Survey’s standard for documenting records ingested into ScienceBase Catalog. The format used to define the attributes of ScienceBase items.


A USGS collaborative scientific data and information management platform used directly by science teams. ScienceBase provides access to aggregated information derived from many data and information domains, including feeds from existing data systems, metadata catalogs, and scientists contributing new and original content. ScienceBase architecture is designed to help science teams and data practitioners centralize their data and information resources to create a foundation needed for their work. ScienceBase, both original software and engineered components, is released as an open source project to promote involvement from the larger scientific programming community both inside and outside the USGS. (USGS (2018). About ScienceBase. Retrived from:


Uniform Resource Identifier is a string of characters used to identify a resource. A URL is a type of URI.