Feedback and Help

Providing Feedback about the Guidance

If you would like to provide feedback (e.g., comments, suggestions, etc.) about this guidance, you can use this online form.

If you’d like to give direct feedback through Github, please consider reporting an issue or submitting edits through a pull request. However, in order to access these functions, you will be required to sign in or create an account with Github.

Records fail to update to the SA Science Catalog

Occasionally, an item may seem to publish correctly to ScienceBase when if fact, the mdJSON did not publish. ScienceBase items without mdJSON file attachments are not in the Science Catalog. Remember that newly-published mdJSON will not be reflected in the Science Catalog until the following day (it updates daily overnight).

mdEditor Help

Clicking the question mark icon will open the manual, which can be read online or downloaded as a PDF document.

Reporting mdEditor Bugs

If you encounter bugs or errors when using mdEditor, please report them at the mdEditor Issues page on GitHub and specify the mdEditor version you are using (available in Settings). You must have a GitHub account in order to post.