

Using the Regional Data Repository

The Alaska Regional Data Repository (RDR) is a centralized server dedicated to the long-term storage of regional projects and their products. It serves as an accessible and secure digital archive that contains authoritative copies of a project’s data, documents, and metadata. Your program’s data manager and technician are responsible for maintaining the RDR.

Accessing the RDR

The RDR can be accessed through your web browser or file explorer by copying and pasting the following link into the address bar: \\\datamgt


The RDR can only be reached when you are connected to the Service network. Also, capabilities are limited when the RDR is accessed using your web browser.

To ensure that files stored in the RDR are protected from loss or corruption, access to files within the Repository are controlled through permissions. Everyone in the Service with a VPN and link to the RDR may read what’s in the Repository, but write and modify permissions are limited and assigned by data managers. For example, data stewards are granted write permission to their project’s “incoming” folder but otherwise have read permission for all other folders.

Organization of the RDR

Branching tree of program sub-folders in ‘datamgt’ folder

Directory Template

This folder contains the template for regional project folders and their sub-folders. Your data manager will tailor the template to your particular project once your data management plan is approved.


This folder contains JSON files of the master contact list used for metadata creation. These files have regional contact information of staff and external partners and should be imported into mdEditor to prevent duplicating contacts.


GeoJSON files and metadata for common study areas in Alaska can be found in this folder. GeoJSON files can be imported into mdEditor under the “Extent” tab to precisely delineate the spatial boundary of your project.

Program Folders

The RDR contains a folder for each program, and within each program folder are project folders. The programs with RDR folders include:

  • Fisheries and Ecological Services (fes)
  • Migratory Bird Management (mbm)
  • National Wildlife Refuge System (nwrs)
  • Office of Subsistence Management (osm)
  • Science Applications (sa)

Obtaining Your RDR Project Folder

Completion and data manager approval of your data management plan will trigger the creation of a RDR folder for your project. Your data manager will create the project folder and include a link to it in your data management plan for your reference.

The link to your project’s RDR folder is broken down as follows:

Example RDR link for an FES project

Organization of Your RDR Project Folder

Example branching tree of sub-folders in “fesafb_001_SockeyeFyke” folder


This folder houses documents related to project implementation and may include:

  • contracts and final executed agreements
  • correspondence
  • permits obtained for project execution
  • receipts for significant or unique purchases deemed important to archive
  • training materials developed for the project
  • significant or unique travel information deemed important to archive


Code used to calculate statistics, develop figures, or tidy tabular data should be filed in this folder. Examples of code include R and Python scripts.


Both raw, unprocessed data and clean, final data should be housed in this folder. Intermediate datasets created during the tidying process do not need to be archived in the RDR.


Documents generated by the project should be filed in this folder, and they can include:

  • Data management plans
  • Investigation plans or protocol documents guiding project procedures
  • Proposal documents prepared to solicit internal or external funding
  • Public relations materials like photographs, graphics, maps, etc.
  • Reports and white papers that are not peer-reviewed, but provide results or information from the project
  • Final manuscripts and peer-reviewed publications
  • Talks, recordings, posters, or presentation slides related to the project


This folder allows the data steward(s)–who are granted write permission–to add project data, documents, and metadata that are ready to be archived in the RDR. Your data manager will then properly organize the files dropped into this folder. Alternatively, the data steward(s) can email project data to their data manager or technician for filing in the RDR.


All files should be saved in an open format and abide by recommended file naming conventions prior to being added to the “incoming” folder.


This folder holds mdEditor and mdJSON files of your project metadata, which can be created using mdEditor. Typically, this folder contains a single mdEditor file that encompasses all of your project’s metadata and multiple mdJSON files for individual project and product metadata records.


All files in your project’s RDR folder should be accompanied by metadata.

Change Log

Also referred to as a README file, the changelog is a text file communicating updates made to the RDR project folder. It also includes details about who made those updates and when they were made.