All functions |
An internal function to generate bootstrapped confidence intervals around salmon escapement estimates |
Calculate bootstrapped 95 percent confidence intervals around salmon escapement estimates |
Estimate daily passage and cumulative daily passage of salmon based on the top model from |
Estimate annual salmon escapement |
Create exploratory plot of raw salmon photo counts |
Estimate hourly passage and cumulative hourly passage of salmon based on the top model from |
Import and format photo and video salmon count data |
An internal function to load and rename an Rdata object |
Model diagnostics for salmon escapement models from photo and video count data |
Model salmon escapement using photo and video counts |
Plot bootstrapped annual estimates of salmon escapement |
Plot estimated minimum daily salmon escapement by year |
Plot estimate hourly salmon escapement by day |
Plots of the top model for estimating salmon escapement from photo and video count data |
Generate an Rmarkdown report of salmon escapement |
Video and photo counts of sockeye salmon at Akalura River, Kodiak Island, Alaska |