An Introduction to Publishing Data Products Using Posit Connect logo

McCrea Cobb

Refuge Inventory and Monitoring

The R logo.

The Python logo

R Shiny logo. Quarto logo.

Posit Connect logo.

What is Quarto Quarto logo. ?

An illustration of the 3 steps to rendering a document in Quarto. The first step shows the logos of different programming languages, including R and Python. The second step shows the Quarto logo. The third step shows the logos of HTML, PDF and Word documents.

Illustration by Allison Horst

What is R Shiny R Shiny logo. ?

A screenshot of an example of an R Shiny app. The app shows data on Alaska refuge annual accomplishments.

Publishing a Quarto logo. Report

Quarto file A screenshot of an example of a Quarto file in RStudio that can render a made-up moose aerial survey report as an HTML document.

Rendered Report

Scheduling a Report

A screenshot of a window that displays when publishing from RStudio to Posit Connect. The user choses between publish document with source code or publish finished document only. The first option is circled.

  • Update report in reponse to new data:
    1. Include code to import data in the qmd
    2. Create a second qmd to import data, save as a pin
  • Option to email report on a schedule

Publishing a R Shiny logo. Application

Almost the same process
as publishing a report!

Publishing Git-backed Content

An AI generated image of a claymation version of the GitHub octocat working at a computer.

  1. Create a Version Control RStudio Project connected to a GitHub repository.
  2. Create a manifest.json file by running rsconnect::writeManifest().
  3. Visit Posit Connect. Select Publish button.
  4. Select Import from Git button.
  5. Provide URL to public GitHub repository. Select a branch.
  6. 🤩

Getting Started

An AI generated image of a claymation style woman at a computer. She is happy. There is confetti and a swirl of plots and code in the air over her head.

Annual Costs

Developer license: $290
Environment (each app): $144


Michaelle Schultz
Chief of Data Integration
FWS Ecological Services

Additional Resources