The mdEditor is designed to support creating metadata for a wide variety of data types. As a result, an edit session will likely display much more information than is required for the data that you are describing. Applying a profile allows a user to hide menus and data entry fields that may not be required for a given use case.
The mdEditor defaults to the “Full Profile” when a metadata record is first created, displaying all available menus and data entry fields.
When editing a record, a Profile Selection field is displayed on the mdEditor Primary Navigation Bar. A selected profile will remain associated with metadata record unless changed during a subsequent edit session.
For more information see the mdEditor Core Profile Definitions page.
See the List of Alaska Profiles for the current profile URL’s.
A mdEditor profile is a template that can be used to limit the metadata fields that are displayed during an edit session and define the fields that are required to be completed within a metadata record. A mdEditor custom profile consists of a “profile definition” and an associated “validation schema”. Multiple validation schemas may be associated with a single profile definition. Each unique combination of a definition and schema is a distinct mdEditor profile.
A profile definition is file used to configure the menus and fields that are displayed while editing a mdEditor metadata record.
A validation schema is a file or set of files that specify the metadata fields that must contain data for a record to be considered valid. The validation schema controls when an error message is displayed by the editor.
A discussion of creating profiles and schemas is beyond the scope of this documentation. Contact your Data Manager or Data Steward for assistance.
Before a custom profile can be created for use in the mdEditor, the profile definition and validation schema must be accessible as URLs. Note: if you are using GitHub to host profile definition files, make sure that you provide users with the url to the “raw” version of the file.
Notes: Changes made to a existing profile may not be reflected until the editor is reloaded.
File name: ak-proj-a.json
File name: ak-prod-a.json
Core Profile Definitions for the mdEditor
Core Schema:
ADIwg mdProfiles: